Tuesday, April 12, 2011

UnGoogleable Research Paper Website Selection Reflection

UnGoogleable Research Paper Website Selection Reflection

Today in class I had to find seven different sites about my question “Are NFL players successful after they leave the NFL?” --To search for websites, I … used the websites Ms. Priester provided for me like Google scholar, Qwiki and a bunch of other ones. --When I found a website related to my focus question, I… Read a little bit of it to see if it was any good useful information then I copied the url and posted it on the form and in Google docs. --I knew some of the websites I found were unacceptable because… Some of them had a lot of ads and not very much information and it didn’t have an author or the date when posted. --I know the websites I selected are good because … They had so much useful information they had a little to almost no ads they had the date posted and had the author. --Tomorrow, I expect that Ms. Priester will tell me to … Find some more sites with not so many ads.


  1. There's some errors here but there not spelling errors go back and fix the ... and the --

  2. I wish I knew the magic way to find websites without ads. Luckily, we found plenty of sites to support your focus question.

  3. Make sure that this is in paragraph form.
