Monday, April 18, 2011

Free Choice Blog Post

Free Choice Blog Post
I am choosing to write about the NFL lockout. I really hope this lockout ends soon because a whole year with out football I don’t know of I can handle that. Because I could barley handle when the football season ends. Also not only is the lockout bad for the players but it is also bad for the people like the ball boys and the people who help with the teams and with out football they also don’t have a job and there not getting paid that much as it is. So I hope it ends soon.


  1. Good points. NFL games help many people including even the people who sell peanuts at the games and people who work in hotels.

  2. good job on your post, you did a really good job.

  3. I hope the lock out ends soon because I don't think people could stand not watching football.

  4. Everybody needs football in there life haha, im sure they will work something out.
