Tuesday, October 26, 2010


                  We were playing our rival team Rancho bearnardo and they are always talking smack even though they suck. We have already beaten them three times before. So right off the bat the bat they start talking smack to me after I doo dooed on them when I scored a touchdown saying all these vulgar words to me and I didn’t like it so I told them I was coming for them. So on kickoff I had a chance to get one of them and I just blew him up and laid him out. I also play defense so I also had another chance to get the rest of them back and I made sure of it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"The Necklace" Husband point of view

At the period of time when my wife was invited to ball but she had nothing to wear  but rags to wear, so she asked me if I can buy her a dress that cost 400 Franks . So after I thought about getting her dress I decided to give her the money that I was going to use to buy and new rifle so she can buy her a new dress for the the ball. She was still complaining because she did not have any jewelry to wear to the ball but i mentioned that she can wear flowers but she said that she did not want to look poor so she had to ask her friend to use a expensive necklace.  and she lost it so we spent 10 years of our life paying it of so she did not know that  my wife had lost her necklace, witch did i mention it was fake and only worth 400 franks and we spent more than 30,000 franks.

"The Necklace" The grass is not always greener

I remember when the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Like this one time when all these people were talking about how good this movie was and how it was the best movie of the year and a whole bunch of other things. But the movie Inception wasn't all that great when we went to go watch the movie it just keep going on and on. The movie was about dreams and how like you can control what you dream and all this other stuff about dreams witch was really boring. So thats when i found out that the grass wasn't greener on the other side

Thursday, October 21, 2010

“Fist Person Story Retell”

“Fist Person Story Retell”
I'm getting sick and tired of goerg coming on my land and poaching so I am going to go hunt him and kill him. So as i see him i start walking towards him as we are face to face a massive beech tree falls and pinned us both down as we lie there with horrible pain our hatred for each other die down and we agree to be friends even though he did not accept my offering of wine. So we both agreed that if one of our men got there first. At last we see 9 to 10 figures running very fast towards us until we find out that there WOLVES!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

“The Interlopers” Alternate Ending

“The Interlopers Alternate Ending
At the end of the story the two men were pinned down by a massive beech tree that suddenly fell on them as they were both face to face. There was about 9 to 10 figures running their direction they mistake them as their men little did they know that those figures were a pack of hungry wolves.  As they lie their with a giant beech tree crushing them both men hoping that their men get there. Finally Ulrich men get there both of them said that when their men get their that they will free one another so they get the giant beech tree off of Ulrich. Gerog was asking Ulrich to get the tree off of him and he just laughed and threw the wine at him and him and his men just walked off into the woods.

Interlopers story plot Diagram

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

“The Interlopers”

“The Interlopers
Family Feud is an American TV game show. Created by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman. Two families compete against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. Representatives of the family of contestants are posed questions that have already been answered by a survey of 100. There are five members on each team. Feud is a conflict between families or other related groups that involves a lot of arguing. Feud is most of the time an altercation, an argument, a dispute. Also if you win there is a prize at the end.