Thursday, April 28, 2011

CST Testing Reflection

CST Testing Reflection

CST testing was very very boring. It was cool that we got to have breakfast in the class rooms and that we didn’t have to go to all our classes but that’s about it. There was like eighty questions on each test. Some of it easy the really easy parts were in beginning of the test then towards the end they were hard. We only tested on English and math which was better than testing on history and science on top of that so I’m grateful we didn’t have to do that.


  1. Yeah testing was pretty boring but how you did on the test is what puts you in the classes next year. and i really like the burrito they gave us.

  2. Brian I am happy to see you do your work good job

  3. Haha I agree with you testing was really boering but at least we got it over with.
