Monday, August 29, 2011

"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" Before You Read: Paralyzed by Fear

"Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" Before You Read: Paralyzed by Fear

A time when I was paraylzed by fear was when, Angel, Brodrieck and me were bored all day and decided to have some fun and go on a ninja mission. So we were running around the construction were they were buliding the new houses behind boys eight and nine. We were just running thru the back of the houses and we all three jumped over this little fence as we all jumped over we heard the loudest rattle ever and sure enough it was a rattle snake. But here was the big problem we couldnt see it luckliy I had my phone with me and i got out my flash light that i had on my phone and angel grabbed a stick and held the snakes head down then he grabbed it the rattle snake was about 5 Feet long

1 comment:

  1. *Angel, Broderick and I
    *where ≠ were
    *there ≠ they're

    Write complete sentences. The second sentence in your paragraph is a long run-on!
