Wednesday, May 4, 2011

San Diego County Third-Person Paragraph

San Diego County Third-Person Paragraph
What it is like to attend a chargers game. Well first let me start off and say its such a hassle to get there but its so worth it. It takes like an hour just to get in but, its crazy it’s unlike anything u have ever been to like the atosmospere is so crazy and loud. It’s a really cool experience and if u have never gone I recommend it. But make sure u eat before u go because the food is EXPENSIVE. One of my favorite parts is when the jets fly over the stadium its really cool


  1. I think you did greta on your paragraph but you still need to check your wording and some of the spelling.

  2. Ash! You slipped into second-person.

    By the way, did I ever tell you that one of my good friends is the guy who runs the entire pregame show--including the fly overs--for the Chargers?
